Specialists in vegetable handling,trimming & conveyors systems

Conveyor systems

We design our conveyors with minimal transfer points, only where it's absolutely necessary to transfer the product and we then aim to achieve the smallest possible fall, for a smooth transfer with the least amount of potential damage.

MHME specialise in vegetable handling, so our systems are designed with your produce in mind.

MHME has the capability to produce an extensive variety of conveyors and elevators, designed for the transportation of various products. During the design phase, we explore diverse options, including variations in drives, belt types, and stands. Modular, roller, and traditional PVC belts each come with their own advantages and disadvantages that are carefully weighed. Whether your requirement involves inclining, declining, or turning, we collaborate to determine the most fitting option for your needs.

Sprout Trimming Machines

At MHME we have both the skill and the experience needs to understand, design and manufacture both simple and complex food handling solutions, to suit your individual needs. Be it a simple two 2 meter roller-table, to a 100-meter intricate conveyor system, we can find both an efficient and cost-effective means to move your raw materials in a loose state or trays and bags after the packaging process.

We specialise in vegetable handling, so our systems are designed with minimal transfer points. Where it’s absolutely necessary to transfer the product, we aim to achieve the smallest possible fall, for a smooth transfer with the least amount of potential damage, for example, bruising in moving cauliflower.

As with any machinery equipment in the food environment, hygiene is a key concern, paired with worker safety. Our conveyors offer brilliant accessibility to the inside of the framework and driving sprockets, without the risk of any finger traps.This is achieved in the construction of a box-section frame, with a high percentage of stainless steel mesh panel sides, giving you the safest and most hygiene friendly equipment for the job.